Dont't Worry, Be Happy
Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke.
One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.
Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along well with
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.
To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.
There are several ways by which you can do this.
Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.
News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.
A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.
Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.
Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.
Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.
Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future.
Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.
Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.
These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.
And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
The American Election: A lesson for Nigeria
Americans voted for Senator Obama, an African-American, with Kenyan ancestry, not because of his colour or race, and not totally because of his party affiliation, but because he was the best of the presidential candidates. Remember that his opponent was not only Senator McCain. There were third parties/independent candidates for the presidential election. But Obama was elected by majority of Americans to lead their Country to greater height. Americans needed a change and they voted for the person they believe and trust, from his campaign and manifestos, can bring that change.
Many people have been saying that Nigeria and all African countries need to learn from this American experience. But wait a minute. Should Nigeria be learning from this recent event in America? Before readers accuse me of being a student of Professor Maurice Iwu, the Chairman of Nigeria's Independent Electoral Commission (INEC), I would like to expatiate here.
I believe Nigeria should not now be learning from the concluded American presidential election because Nigeria had, in the past, demonstrated that we could hold a peaceful and fair election just like the Americans recently did.
“Are you nut?” some people may ask or think.
No, I’m not crazy, and my opinion is sanely true.
The election conducted by Humprey Nwosu, chairman of the National Electoral Commission, in June, 1993, is my reference point. Two parties were involved in that election. Interestingly, the parties that contested the election then and in America recently have similar names. In the U.S. they are Democratic and Republican parties, while in Nigeria they were the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and National Republican Convention (NRC). The late Chief M. K. O. Abiola, the presidential candidate of SDP was from the south, while his opponent, Alhaji Bashir Tofa is from the north.
The northerners had governed Nigeria for many years since the country's independence. They’ve always had the upper hands, and a well coordinated and structured mass voting. Both candidates were Muslims (the reverse is the case in America where both are Christians).
Humphrey Nwosu, the umpire, introduced a new voting system which he tagged, Option A4 or Open-Secret Ballot voting system. It was a system by which a voter collected a ballot card, thumb-printed his choice of candidate inside a cubicle in the open, and dropped the slip inside a box. Votes were counted in the open, in the full glare of all, and the result of the polling unit announced publicly on the spot in the presence of the parties representatives. Thereafter, the results are forwarded to a central collation point to be added to that of other units as the case may be.
At the end of the exercise, the SDP presidential candidate won with a landslide victory. The voting, just like that of America now, transcended tribes, regions, religions and status or class. Nigerians voted for “Hope ‘93” and whom they believed would take them to the ‘promise land’. The NRC’s candidate was even said to have lost in his own ward in the north. The election was acknowledged not only by Nigerians but also by the foreign observers, as the most peaceful and transparent election ever conducted in the history of Nigeria.
Alas! The election was cancelled. The reason…? We are still in the dark till today -- more than 15 years after the election was annulled. The then Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, has not honestly told the nation why the election results were not validated and the winner announced. Up to recently, he is still being “Maradonic” with the true reason for the annulment.
Senator Obama professes “Change” to America, and on November 4, 2008, he was given the chance, on a platter of gold, to bring the change. In 1993, the late M. K. O. Abiola presented a campaign of “Hope” to Nigeria. Instead of receiving the "Hope" on a platter of gold, a military Cabal in the Country gave "Hopelessness", and shattered the People’s mandate.
What followed had been a lot of lives wasted, economic standstill, wasted time and resources, and an embarrassed nation.
We are all commending and congratulating Senator Obama and Americans for this smooth and seamless election. Many Nigeirans have been praising the American system as the best, and our lawmakers especially in the national assembly have been extolling the American electoral model. Our government and non–governmental organizations have praised Americans and congratulated President-elect Obama for achieving the impossible.
Whither Nigeria?
Or borrowing from a song from one of Nigeria's prominent musicians, the late Sunny Okosun, “Which way Nigeria?”
Fifteen years ago, we had achieved what America is now demonstrating to the world; but ours was shattered. An abortion was carried out on “Baby Hope”; the mother was even “raped” after delivery. We are now patting and congratulating America on the safe delivery of “Baby Change”. With the success achieved in America, many of us are now proud to bring attention to the African blood running in Obama because the system delivered a great baby. I say, let the “quack doctors” who aborted the delivery of “Baby Hope” cover their faces in shame. We still live with the agony of their actions and with the evil legacy they have left for our generation and the future generations.
For Nigerians who were not part of the macabre dance that brought “backwardness” and fiascoes to the country, I ask, "Should we let our “Hope” be lost forever?"
No, no, no. Let’s keep our Hope for a grater Nigeria in mind. Let “Hope" lives in our soul forever. Let’s continue to work for the country’s greatness and how to make it stronger.
Let’s build a GREAT NIGERIA; let’s leave a great legacy for the future of our country.
Piggy-Tailing or Piggy-Trailing the Gurus
"The fastest way for you to succeed is by piggy-backing on the good advice and counsel of men and women who have already spent years learning how to succeed. When you do this on a regular and systematic basis, you will open up doors of opportunity and possibilities for you that today you cannot even imagine." -Brian Tracy
From wikipedia definition, a guru is a person who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and uses it to guide others.
It is also used for teacher or guide in the religious or sense, and is commonly used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism, as well as in some new religious movements. The guru is seen in these religions as a sacred conduit for wisdom and guidance, and finding a true guru is often held to be a prerequisite for attaining self-realization.
Experience, they say is the best teacher. For a person to be classified as an authority in any field of endeavour or profession, s/he must have undergone some form of training or experience, and exhibit or display this special rare skills, before being reckoned with. In contemporary parlance, such a person is classified as a “Guru".
Since the world is now a global village, things are changing for the better now. Some former guarded "secrets" are being taught and exposed to interested people "for free" or "for fee". With reference to Brian Tracy, for you to quickly succeed, piggy-back on the good advice and counsel of Gurus.
On my advice, you can piggy-tail the Guru, that is, hold onto the Guru's tail or Hem of garment, as the women with the issue of blood did, to Jesus Christ- the greatest Guru, in the Bible. You could as well piggy-trail the Guru; that is understudying and following their footsteps and achievements.
In the process of piggy-trailing Ewen Chia, the world acclaimed successful Internet Information Marketer, I came in contact and got linked with Evans Stone.
Hear Evans out:
Research the lives of all of the "gurus." The one thing that you will learn is that my own experience is not unique. Most of the high earners on the Internet experienced a learning curve very similar to my own.
He continues, "No one has ever logged onto the Internet for the first time and started pocketing dollars in a really short period of time. As with all things in life, there is a learning curve".
From day one, you must begin to learn about the nuances of web promotion. Read everything you can get your hands on. Don't just read the hype, back it up with the opinions of others who have reviewed the same programs before you came along. Learn from their mistakes and successes.
As you begin to learn, you must also look to make a decision.
Do you want to create a completely new program of which you are the sole owner?
If you decided to go for the first option, he encourages you to examine the Plug-In Profit Site and also internet home business success
If you are still struggling or have not made a dime on the internet, while you had almost drained your Bank Account or almost upturned all coins in your PIGGYBANK!
If you don't have a product to sell and you're still "Waiting for Godot" before taking any action step!!
Why not think of starting promoting somebody's Products or Services and get Commissions for your efforts. Then you can start marketing yours whenever it is ready, and you'll use the knowledge acquired for your Products Marketing too?!?
Try affiliate marketing; don’t try to reinvent the wheel in your Internet marketing business. Trying to make a polygon wheel could be a reasonable venture, but think of the ease of ride on the carriage and the bumpy galloping on the Cart. Think of the Horse (your investment: time, Money and other resources) that would pull your polygon-designed wheel. Don't do things the hard way.
To learn more about Stone Evans’ Plug-In Profit Site and launch your own PROVEN Internet business in 3 easy steps visit:
A Tale of Two Bridges: PhotoSceneThesis
This postlude the previous write up on "A Tale of Two Bridges".
It shows the shots of the two Bridges and activities to let you really know what the "Tale" is all about...
Ilasamaja: Vehicular and Pedestrian Activities
A Tale of Two Bridges
This is not about Cities and Nobles but Bridges and Authorities....
Imagine a situation whereby a person or an authority puts a Law in place; puts obstacles in your way so as to force you to break this law and then gain or reap bumper harvest from you for breaking the Law! This is not imagination but reality...
Welcome to "A Tale of Two Bridges".
They are about 20 Kilometers apart. They are of same span (length) and are for pedestrian. They are both made of solid concrete; the first bridge has four stairways (two on both sides); it takes less than two minutes to cross from a side to the other side of the bridge. The second bridge has two stairways (one on both sides) and it takes at least Nine minutes to cross from one side to the other side and don't forget, "they are of the same span!".
I am talking about Ilasamaja and Cele-Bustop pedestrian Bridges.
From all analogies, taking Ilasa bridge is with ease, you'll walk across without any hindrance. You wont see any wares' hawkers, because there is a Law prohibiting any form of trading or hawking on this bridge. Traders are allowed some few meters from the bridge.
But the reverse is the case of Cele-bustop's bridge; you are guaranteed to encounter pedestrians hold-up or "go-slow"; this bridge is the the hub-point of wares' hawker, they've taken over most available space and even the stairways, leaving strip of two lanes for pedestrian's movement. Hawkers have field-days always, the Local Council Authority, which is even located nearby allots tickets to these sellers to operate "legally", if a pedestrian body ventured or mistakenly destabilise a ware, he/she will encounter "a battalion of abuses and curses" or even physical assault or confrontation. You'll see meat sellers, "okrika" and "bend-down" boutique, fruits, tapes/CD hawkers and what have you.
Beneath the two bridges is the ever, vehicular traffic, busy Oshodi- Mile 2 Express way. Any sane person needed not be told not to cross this express, when a pedestrian bridge is in place. Hardly would you see Council Officials at Ilasa Bridge catching culprits for crossing the Express. But the Authority at Cele-Bustop, have paid Officials, stationed at strategic spots on both sides of the road, awaiting prey to bounce on. When caught, they are made to bail themselves out and fined exorbitantly.
The Council/Authority that controls Cele-Bustop area is profiting and reaping bountifully from this chaotic situation, which they created, encouraged and aided by:
- Collecting and issuing "tickets" daily to hawkers on top of the bridge, its stairways and its landing.
- Catching "no express-crossing" offenders, fining them and "generating" revenue for the Council or where ever the money goes.
- Is there any moral justification for Cele-bustop Council/authority to bounce on those crossing the express road, since they are part of the problems which mitigated offenders embark on this "suicide crossing mission?"
- Did they allow traders/hawkers to take over the bridge and its landing, so that pedestrian's hold-up would always be there and impatient pedestrian would be forced to cross and be caught which invariably would increase revenue for "pepper-soup" and chilled Larger at the end of the day?
- Don't they think of the weight this bridge is enduring daily?
- not legitimating trading on the bridge (I'm not trying to block some people's means of lively hood). The authority should provide market stalls in that environ for them.
- Increase the stairs landing from the two, as it is now, to four. This may not be in their jurisdiction, but they should propose it to the arm of government responsible.
Some months back, a trailer carrying a "Goliath container" dismembered part of the bridge at Ilasamaja, even with its solid structure. Thank God there was no causality. This had happened at Ijesha bustop, about 20 kilometer after Cele-Bustop, not quite long ago too. Imagine the causalities, if this happens at Cele-bustop ever busy bridge.
He who God watches, should watch himself too. Those crossing the express road should know that, "Life no get duplicate", think of your love ones at home, who are awaiting your return.
A word I believe should be enough........
Let's make an impact to make Nigeria better than we met it; let's leave a GOOD LEGACY.